Dustin Zielke
Academic Educator, Researcher, Writer
I am an academic researcher, writer, and instructor working in phenomenological philosophy. Currently, I focus on the phenomenology of selfhood, meaning, time, and the event.

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Academic Writing
I specialize in phenomenological philosophy, especially existential phenomenology, phenomenological realism, the phenomenology of the event, and the work of Martin Heidegger.Below are links to some of my published academic writings.Correlation without Correlationism: A Phenomenology of the Ontological Independence of Ancestral Stardust (2024)The Modifier Within: Bruno Latour's Actant and Martin Heidegger's Thing Theory (2022)Towards an Ecstatic Cosmology: Husserl, Speculative Realism, and the Outlines of a New Phenomenological Naturalism (2022)Excess and Withdrawal: Critical Phenomenology and Speculative Realism (2018)

Academic Courses
Because of my diverse academic background, I have taught courses in a range of disciplines in the social sciences and humanities, including criminology, sociology, and philosophy.First Year Courses
Introduction to Philosophy
A first year introductory course to major themes in ancient, medieval, and modern Western philosophy.Philosophy of Love and Sex
A first year introductory course to the philosophy of love and sex.Introduction to Sociology
A first year course introducing social theory, social structures, social inequality, and sociological analysis of various social phenomena.Introduction to Criminology
A first year course introducing the causes, prevention, and prosecution of crime from a social theory perspective.Second Year Courses
Classical Social Theory
A second year course introducing the intersection of modern social and political philosophy and its fruition in the theoretical roots of sociology.Culture, Power, Identity
A second year course offering a theoretical approach to analyzing culture and identity as sites of social inequality and conflict.Third Year Courses
Contemporary Social Theory
A third year course introducing the intersection of contemporary developments in contemporary European philosophy and its implications for contemporary social theory.Social Theory of Religion
A third year course offering social explanations for the origins, functioning, and consequences of religion and religious belief.
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